Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stronger Than Their Walls: screenings

Stronger Than Their Walls Guilty Though Proven Innocent
(watch trailer at

A documentary about struggles for justice in Rhode Island. RI law allows people on probation to be incarcerated for crimes for which they have been found innocent or for which the charges have been dismissed. This documentary follows the story of several men who were presumed guilty and never given a fair chance to demonstrate their innocence. The families of these imprisoned men take the issue to the Rhode Island Statehouse, where they tell their stories in an effort to reform the law.Stronger : is currently organizing screenings around Rhode Island. Please contact ( to arrange a screening--at your house, your church, your community center, anywhere.
Watch the full movie at a screening near you: check ( )for new dates.

Providence South Side, Tuesday, 9th at 6:00 RI Family Life Center, 841 Broad Street

Providence North Side, Tuesday, Dec 9th at 7:30 Mount Hope Neighborhood Association, 142 Camp Street

Downtown Providence, Thursday, December 18 at 7:00 Black Repertory Theatre, 276 Westminster St. with panel discussion sponsored by Rhode Island Council of the Humanities

Newport Sunday, January 4 at noon, St. Paul's Church, 12 Marlborough Street