If you haven't heard this song for awhile, or if you've never heard it, I recommend a little trip to itunes. I find it satisfying to listen to YEAR ROUND.
And speaking of Halloween, it is my favorite time of the year. Which I think has more to do with the celebration of self-expression than it does with anything pagan but you can't go wrong with a few dedicated pagans. Perhaps it should be pagans with a BIG P.
Halloween gives us the opportunity to be creative at a high level. Think of the lighting possibilities alone! And we get to adopt a persona that may have primal roots or at least something Jung would appreciate. That Jung, quite the wild one, eh?
I not only like manifesting an environment that represents something about my issues or past lives. I LOVE experiencing what others have created as well. I love most haunted houses even if they charge admission. I love looking at the spectacle of hundreds of trick or treaters. Maybe this has something to do with the theory that our intrinsic chi (I don't know if there is another kind) always has been and always will be. We adopt this particular paradigm of human life when we choose to learn some lessons relevant to our evolution. And Halloween might be custom, or it might be cultural idiosyncrasy or it might be a mass halogram. Different from mass hallucination.
So we have Halloween as a perennial fave but now we are all about vampires and aliens judging by our cultural products. I love both. I am very curious about what we can deduce about their current popularity. Political commentary? District 9. Cutural AND political commentary? True Blood. Aliens but all the above? Flashforward. Attractive but potentially spooky alien? V.
Does this mean we are preparing for an opening in our unconscious or just tired of greed and forclosures? Or are aliens already among us infiltrating our cultural process? Likely?